Book a Call to Hire The Best Virtual Assistants!

LIMITED TIME OFFERSAVE $1,000 on the start-up fee (Pay $0) + get FREE training for your virtual assistant. Pay only $8.49/hour. Book a call below to get started:

*You interview and pick your own VA – we don’t match you with someone random. 

If you are looking for a job please apply here:

Offer Expires In:

Hire staff with experience from:

Dedicated Success Manager

Enjoy peace of mind with our dedicated Success Manager who will assist your virtual assistant and solve any issues you may encounter. Benefit from a single point of contact for all your support needs.

No Monthly Commitments

Eliminate long-term commitment and enjoy complete flexibility with our pay-as-you-go option. No minimum monthly contracts and a bi-weekly payment schedule ensure you only pay for the support you need.

VA Training For Free

Get a head start with a virtual assistant who’s fully trained and ready for any task. We pay for their training, so you can focus on your business. Enjoy a seamless experience with a well-prepared VA.

Stellar Staff 2023. All Rights Reserved.